We are excited to welcome you to Hastings Public Schools!
Enrollment forms for Hastings Public Schools may be completed online. Your child's elementary building is determined based on your home address and ISD 200 elementary attendance boundaries. If your child is in grades K-4 and you do not know which elementary school your child will attend, you can do one of the following (1) Click on the Elementary Boundary Maps button below to locate your attendance area on one of our district maps OR (2) Contact (651) 480-7000.
The following documents will need to be provided to complete your enrollment. You may either upload them during the online enrollment process or provide printed copies to your child's school.
Copy of your Child's Birth Certificate - For Kindergarten, your child must be five years old on or before September 1 of the year he or she will begin school.
Proof of Residency - for those already living in the district - valid driver’s license, utility bill, etc. and for families moving to the district - lease agreement or home closing paperwork.
Immunization Information - student's immunizations need to be up-to-date AND the information provided to your child's school before the start of the school year.
IF APPLICABLE, Legal documentation of guardianship - if person enrolling the child is not the parent, the district may require legal documentation before the child is enrolled.
KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS ONLY: Proof of Early Childhood Screening - Please call (651) 480-7381 for more information or to schedule an appointment. If your child was screened in ISD 200, we will have the screening report on file.
If you are unable to enroll using our online system and require paper format, please complete and return the enrollment packet along with the other required documents (listed above) to your child's school.
Enrollment Packet