Acceptable Use


In general, activities that are considered to be inappropriate without the use of electronic
technologies are also considered to be inappropriate using such technologies. The
following are not acceptable uses of the School District Internet access, network and
computer access, and electronic communications systems and may be subject to
disciplinary action.​
  • The access, review, uploading or downloading, storage, printing, posting, or
    distribution of pornographic, obscene or sexually explicit materials or other visual
    depictions that are inappropriate for a school setting.

  • The transmission of obscene, abusive, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory,
    threatening, disrespectful, or sexually explicit language.

  • The access, review, uploading or downloading, storage, printing, posting, or
    distribution of materials that use language or images that are inappropriate to the
    educational setting or disruptive to the educational or organizational processes.

  • Knowingly or recklessly posting materials or information that could cause
    damage or disruption to the School District’s learning or work environment(s).

  • The access, review, uploading or downloading, storage, printing, posting, or
    distribution of materials that advocate violence or discrimination toward other
    people or that may constitute harassment or discrimination.

  • Knowingly or recklessly posting false or defamatory information about a person
    or organization, harassing another individual, or engaging in personal attacks,
    including those of a discriminatory or prejudicial nature.

  • Engaging in any illegal act or violating any ordinance, statute or law.

  • Vandalizing, damaging, or disabling the property of another person, the School
    District, or another organization or agency; engaging in deliberate attempts to
    degrade or disrupt the operation of equipment, software, or system performance
    by any means; tampering with, modifying, or changing the School District
    software, hardware, or wiring; taking any action that violates the School District’s
    security systems or using School District resources in any way that disrupts, or
    has the potential to disrupt, access for other users.

  • Gaining unauthorized access to information resources or to another person’s
    materials, information, or files without the implied or direct permission of the

  • The posting or transmitting, without express permission, of private information or
    personal contact information about other persons, or other personally identifiable
    information, including but not limited to: home addresses, telephone numbers,
    identification numbers, account numbers, access codes or passwords, labeled
    photographs or other information that would make an individual’s identity easily

  • Attempting to gain unauthorized access to the School District’s systems or to any
    other systems through the School District’s system; attempting to log in through
    another person’s account; using, without express permission, computer accounts,
    access codes or network identifications other than those assigned to the user.Violating copyright laws or licensing agreements or otherwise using another
    person’s property without prior approval or proper citation, including
    downloading or exchanging pirated software, copying illegal software to/from any
    School District computer, plagiarizing works found on the internet or violating
    School District institutional licensing agreements.